
爱情  美国  2000 






A college student, branded a loser by his roommates and booted from the dorm, falls in love with a coed who has eyes for their professor.Is there room in Manhattan for a decent kid? Can a young woman see past a cad to true love? Paul, from rural upstate, comes to New York for college. To keep his scholarship, he must study hard. That makes him a loser to his partying roommates, who connive to have him kicked out of their suite. He's assigned a room in an animal hospital. In class he meets Dora, who's the very young lover of their sarcastic and selfish lit professor. She needs a job to pay for school. When Dora is slipped some drugs at a party, Paul nurses her back to health, and a friendship follows. For Paul, though, it's more than friendly feelings. Can they work things out and become truly lucky?


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