
剧情  西班牙  2017 






Late 19th century. Martinón is a man rude and of few words who lives in the high mountain| being the last person of a ghost town where he passes the days caring hishouse and hunting animals like deer and wolves. Alone and without a contact with other people along the year except when he downs to the nearest town to trade withthe skins of the animals hunted| in one of these visits his friend Severino advise him about to have wife and create a family. Following the idea| Martinón makes adeal with Ubaldo| buying one of his daughters| Pascuala| to live with him in the mountains as his partner. While Pascuala tries to adapt herself to an environmenthard and cold| Martinón patrols all days by the forest| wanting new preys to hunt. But Pascuala's health worse and finally dies| and Martinón realizes that thechild she expected was of another man. Furious by the deceive| Martinón returns to the town claiming Ubaldo to recover the money and the skins sold. Unable to givehim that he asks| ...


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